
Silent Castles in the Air

What purpose other than maligning politicians is served by this senseless barrage of accusations and counter-accusations by the leaders of two political parties, namely the PML-N and the PTI. This country needs a government of laws, not of men who consider themselves bigger than institutions and unwilling to submit to the supremacy of the constitution and accountability. The only sane voice I have heard is that of Afzal Sindhu, who publicly stated that such politics is in bad taste. If only saner elements had prevailed in PML-N and PTI, and personal egos or biases had not


Millat Face-Book Flotilla

I had often wondered why do I get a joke or an informative text forward spread as two texts whereas it could easily be fit in one single text but has always been clueless that is it the forwarder who wanted it this way so that the cellular company can comfortably charge the sender for two texts instead of one? In a very recent event, I received a forwarded text from a friend of mine, who is educated enough to hold a Master Degree from University of Karachi in Food and Sciences. The text was a suggestive propagation on banning of use of Israeli products as for the very rece


Prime Minister’s Special Fund for Victims of Terrorism (IDP’s)

In order to accommodate the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in different areas of Pakistan, the “Prime Minister’s Special Fund for Victims of Terrorism” has been established. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), in collaboration with the cellular mobile industry, has started the 1199 SMS Service for the welfare of these Internally Displaced Persons. Through this service, subscribers of all mobile operators would send an SMS to 1199 by writing FUND. Each SMS would be charged @ Rs.10/- and the amount thus collected would be deposited in the “Prime Minister’s Speci