The Chestnut


It’s pointless! ‘So pointless being a woman.’ Kashif kept on deriding Amina. ‘Look at you, rushing out of the office to cook for your husband. You even have no idea whether you would meet him at home. You wash clothes, feed the kids and sweat it out in the kitchen. What more do you do?’ ‘I would be leaving from here to enjoy life with my women. What a contrast. You can only have one man but I can have as many as I want.’ Amina shook her head in disdain. ‘Kashif, I hope you don’t infect your innocent wife with your seeds you’re spreading around. What have you

قصہ کہانی


میں اکثر سوچتا ہوں کے درحقیقت یہ خوف ہے کیا؟ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); عام فہم انداز میں تو شاید کسی خطرے کے پیش نظر دل میں پیدا ہونے والا جذبہ ہو پر ہر خوف کا جنم ایک وسوسے سے ہوتا ہے، پر وہیں میں سمجھتا ہوں کے اگر خوف کو قابو کرنا ہے تو گھر سے نکل کر دنیا کا سامنا کرنا چاہیئے، کیوں کے بہادر وہ نہیں جو شیر کو مار ڈالے، بہادر وہ ہے جو شیر کے خوف کو فتح کرکے اس کا سامنا کرے، میرا خوف دنیا نہیں اور نا ہی جن بھوت جنتر منتر یا کوئی دشمن ہے میرا خوف میرا وسوسہ ہے جو مجھے میری تنہائی کی یاد دلاتا ہے میرے سونے کے بعد..

The Chestnut

What Will People Say

Sameen nearly stumbled in her rush, breezed past a corner, just about dodged an incoming pedestrian who yelled something about patience behind her, and only just relaxed when she could see the cafe's sign fifty meters away. She flew in, oblivious to the many disapproving looks aimed in her direction, seemed to telepathically know where her friends would be, honed in on them like a homing missile, sat down by forcing some space on the sofa into existence, and interrupted whatever tripe conversation she assumed they would be having. Four horses cannot overtake the ton