
Fatwa – A Severe Denunciation or a Legal Diktat?

Dr. Adrian Holt: Asalaam O Aleckom Mani I: Waleckom as Salaam Doc Jogi Jogi… how are you today? Dr. Adrian Holt: I am fine thank you King Jogi, unluckily at work today and what about you? I: I am fine as well thank you, just has plans to visit a Mufti today to get a fatwa on some property matter… Dr. Adrian Holt: WHAT? Why a fatwa? Who do you want to get killed Jogi? I: Wait, wait, hold on, Dr. Jogi, why would I want someone to be killed why do you say so? Dr. Adrian Holt: Because, Mani, you only mentined that you are going to get a fatwa today on some property issu


International Guerillas

Ever Beautiful Babra Shareef who played as the leading lady from the film International Guerillas Satanic Verses, the fourth novel by Salman Rushdie, a Pakistani origin British writer was banned in the Islamic world because of what was perceived as an irreverent depiction of the prophet Muhammad SAWW (PBUH). The title refers to a disputed Muslim tradition that is related in the book. According to this tradition, Muhammad referred to as Mahound (Mahound is a despicable name for Mohammad the prophet of Islam (PBUH), found in Medieval and later European literature. This vers