
The Art of Civilization – Stone Democracy to Death

With the multiple problems including regularization of teaching staff, demands of raise in salaries, non-release of funds for higher education scholars, non-availability of female teachers’ transportation system, delay in promotion of teachers on merit, and dual standards of curriculum in the country is widening the gap between the rich and the poor, the country is all set to celebrate ‘World Teachers’ Day’ today October 5. On this day, which is supposed to enhance the respect and dignity of teachers in the society as ordained by our religious, social and cultural values.


Vision Sidelined

When Pakistan was created and gained independence from the British in the year 14th August 1947 full religious liberty, i.e. liberty of belief, worship and observance, propaganda, association and education, were considered guaranteed to all communities because Muhammad Ali Jinnah as first President of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on August 11, 1947 at Karachi said in his presidential address that the minorities in the State of Pakistan would be having equal rights, privileges and obligations like the majority. Addressing the minorities, he stated regarding their re