The Chestnut

What Will People Say

Sameen nearly stumbled in her rush, breezed past a corner, just about dodged an incoming pedestrian who yelled something about patience behind her, and only just relaxed when she could see the cafe's sign fifty meters away. She flew in, oblivious to the many disapproving looks aimed in her direction, seemed to telepathically know where her friends would be, honed in on them like a homing missile, sat down by forcing some space on the sofa into existence, and interrupted whatever tripe conversation she assumed they would be having. Four horses cannot overtake the ton


Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.

Land of my sires! What mortal hand can e'er untie the filial band that knits me to thy rugged strand! As APJ Abdul Kalaam said that if a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher and I agree with him. But what would happen of a society where these pillars are too busy making both ends meet of their lives with less or no time towards their children? There was once a time when it was said that it is sweet and fitting t


The Mystical Pakistan

Pakistan may be not much think-able for many travelers due to bad image created by local and international media, but there is a lot of interest to Visit Pakistan. Pakistan is the real India where every thing began, the Indus civilization, the scripts of Ragveda, The Buddhism and the language Sanskrit were all started here. We are also a land of the highest mountains of the world including the worlds second tallest peak Mount K - 2. Pakistan is safe in the North west Hunza Gilgit and Skardu Areas in fact one do not even need to travel to the troubled areas, one can easily h


The Circus of 1857

Recently I was talking to a friend in Malaysia and she asked me to define what does farce means and I was startled at her question first and that of telling her that it means a ridiculous situation but then I asked her to wait until the weekend and read my blog to have a better incite on the word. The last Mughal Emperor of India Bahadur Shah Zafar asscended the throne in 1837 when he was little over 60 years of age. He was last in the lineage of Mughal emperors who ruled over India for about 300 years. Bahadur Shah Zafar was a weak ruler who came to throne when the Britis


The Crescent & The Five-Rayed Star

August 14, 1947 is the day engraved in gold in the history of Pakistan. It is the day when Pakistan attained its freedom from the clutches of a long slavery of over 200 years of the British rule. It was a long and hard struggle in which many people laid down their lives for our beloved motherland. Pakistan came into existence following the Pakistan movement, which aimed for creation of an independent Muslim state by partition of the Indian subcontinent and was led by the All-India Muslim League under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The event occurred with the partiti