
United We Stand … Divided We Fall!

As per what I was taught in my school the name of my beloved country “Pakistan” is an acronym for Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Indus and Tan representing Baluchistan. I absolutely thought that the word Pakistan was first coined in a pamphlet famously known as Pakistan Declaration written and published by Chaudhary Rahmat Ali, in which the word Pakstan without the alphabet ‘I’ and was used for the first time and was presented in the Round Table conferences in 1933. But the people of subcontinent were quite familiar with the word Pakistan much before Pakistan Movement because


Divorce between a Queen and a Pauper

The United Kingdom has ceremoniously served divorce papers on the European Union, gesticulating the beginning of the end of a marriage that has undergone for 44 years. Theresa May, the British Prime Minister, deep-rooted that London had triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, beginning a legal process that must end in two years’ time with the old wife British Empire leaving her sorrowful ex-husband the European Union.   "This is a historic moment for which there can be no turning back. Britain is leaving the European Union," May told the House of Commons in London.    


Buckle up Karachi!

It is time to face the truth and that is that Pakistan is a country where the majority of people lack proper mentoring and experience as drivers or at least they pretend to lack them. With roads that are far from perfect, road rage a widespread feature, and speeding as well as overtaking at inappropriate and unnecessary instances extremely common, every sane man would take extra precautions. With one person being killed somewhere on the globe after every 25 seconds, the need for preventive measures is inevitable. Sure, you cannot stop the out of control driver from ove


Affluence is, quite simply, a question of texture!

What an age we live in! There are so many new and amazing online shopping services, delivery and taxi services now and it truly feels like Pakistan is slowly transforming into a first class country. Whether you want food delivered or book a holiday? You name it and there is an app for that.     Your neighbor forgot her medicine at her aunt’s place in Nazimabad? No problem, a rider will pick it up and deliver it. You urgently need grocery? There’s a website for that. You want to go to the Karachi Eat festival but are dreading the traffic? Take an Uber or Careem. W

The Chestnut

Vindictive Zeus

Being fascinated by Greek and Hindu mythology since my toddler days, I am often found reading a myth and even that day I was reading an interesting story and according to this Greek legend, when men were created, the great god Zeus gave each one a gift of two bags, one bag was full of man’s own faults and the other full of everybody else’s faults. But when the moment came for Zeus to give man his two bags, each one hanging at the opposite end of a carrying pole, by mistake he put the bag with everybody else’s fault in front, whilst the other bag with one’s own defects fini