
It’s you vs. you EVERYDAY

News published about two Korean giants planning to invest in the healthcare and fitness industry of Pakistan induced me to exploration. We live in a society where there exist two sects. One faction abominating exercise, as for them, it is an utter nuisance and involves way too much hard work, while for others it is a routine, a part of their existence. We have been hearing people in Pakistan are now becoming conscious about their appearance, and this increase can be explained by the decisive role played by the media as several health channels have been launched to promote t


Worthwhile Princesses

I was 11 and sitting in my study doing home work. I had the least idea of the term beauty pageant, Miss World or the Miss Universe, for my home work I was supposed to write an essay on the topic “My Mother” with a despairing mood as of not knowing how and where to start from I clearly remember that to distract myself I climbed on the shelves and started shuffling through my mother’s magazines when I came across the photo of lovely princess Julia Alexandrovna Kourotchkina wearing a crown and a sash and assumingly had two younger princesses or maybe her maids or the court o