
All that glitters is not gold: the journey of my self-discovery

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun. Life is full of opportunity and beauty, as long as you are willing to fight for it. It is about finding yourself and the peace within, but sometimes that journey to self-discovery starts with pushing back. There are always people who do not want to see you succeed. When first coming to Pakistan, I was not fluent in the common tongue, Urdu, and for that, I was bullied. But eventually, I decided that I would bully those who were bullying me, overcoming my language barrier and the people who viewed me as weak. This is me. Since I wa


Worthwhile Princesses

I was 11 and sitting in my study doing home work. I had the least idea of the term beauty pageant, Miss World or the Miss Universe, for my home work I was supposed to write an essay on the topic “My Mother” with a despairing mood as of not knowing how and where to start from I clearly remember that to distract myself I climbed on the shelves and started shuffling through my mother’s magazines when I came across the photo of lovely princess Julia Alexandrovna Kourotchkina wearing a crown and a sash and assumingly had two younger princesses or maybe her maids or the court o


Crowning Glory

Pakistan has had its share of tragedy in recent years, with the world's eyes always being trained on Pakistan since the last few years, may it be the rage of the neighboring Afghan war, or the Drone attacks and the Taliban, Pakistan has been a window on the biggest news stories of the young millennium which is just a decade old. Even though Pakistan is known the world around for being a pro terrorist, war encouraging country with no culture and backward theories, however I can assure you that these news has almost no reality strings attached to it, on the other hand Pakist