In recent times while going through the television debates and newspapers I found out interesting enough that India has invested heavily in its old connections with the leaders of the erstwhile Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. It has sizeable support in Afghan parliament and India is gradually increasing the number of its paramilitary personnel in Afghanistan. It is stationing them there on the alleged reasons for providing security and protection to the Border Roads Organization, which is constructing the Zaranj-Dilaram road, and its consulates. From a few personnel, the strength of Indian troops has reached almost that of a company size force and even includes Black Cat Commandos. In an open speech by a congress leader (son of the former prime minister of India) said that “The truth is that Pakistan’s own misguided policies led to the secession of Bangladesh and will cause the same with Baluchistan, Sindh, Swat and Gilgit.” Yet the Indians claim that their involvement in India is just because they had invested heavily in Afghanistan for its reconstruction and not because of destabilizing Pakistan???
Today India may call its self a “Superpower” but India, in my opinion, is a “world power”, but not at all a “superpower” as for, India surely has some of its own major problems to be addressed, India is poor for many reasons, its hugely increasing population, be deficient in educational opportunities for the masses, and not have access to good medical healthcare are among the top reasons but then it has its never-ending class struggles, and find a way to provide adequate water and food for all of its people to move out of third-world status. India is one country which is fast becoming the land of the boys. The infanticide of girls is changing the male-female ratio and many males are without wives. Despite the shortage of women, the infanticide goes on. In pockets of India where female infanticide persists, the practice is rooted in a complex mix of economic, social, and cultural factors. Parents’ preference for a boy derives from the widespread belief that a son lighting his parents’ funeral pyre will ensure that their souls ascend to heaven; that he will be a provider in their later years (India has no form of social security); and that he will preserve the family inheritance. According to an estimate since the year 2007, an about a million tot girls were drowned in milk to death upon their birth in India.
Another problem India has is its Caste System which is not just Bigotry, but it is much more ferocious, lethal, evil, immoral, nasty and cruel; in short, it is racism, fascism, oppression, tyranny and Nazism. ‘The Caste System cannot be clubbed with Racism because Caste System is not Racism and also this is the “internal problem of India” and therefore the world community cannot and should not discuss the Hindu Caste System in “The United Nations Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance as vocalized by the Indian government at many instances. Untouchables are so impure that a high caste Hindu should not touch them and if they do, they will be ritually polluted. (Unless it is sexual – absolute humiliation and open exhibition of total domination and authority over the masses, then there is no Untouchability!). The Untouchables were and still are permanently chained down with supposedly full approval of all the Hindu Gods and Goddesses, and with absolutely no hope of this chain of evil slavery ever be broken as long as the Hindu faction is practised, dignified and glorified in Social Order Standing India. This is the dirty history and also today’s reality of the evil caste system of the Hindu Sect. The Dalits or the untouchables are not allowed to read and write, as they are denied basic education with the absolute pathetic living environment in segregated slums, no proper schools, abject poverty and every other disadvantage that make a person live like an animal. They cannot even go near the Hindu Gods’ temples, cannot carry arms, own property and the barbarous Hindus enforced every conceivable restriction on the Dalits (brutal penalty if they do not obey any of the evil caste rules) to be permanently ignorant and obedient and dumb slaves. Brutally massacring the Dalits is a pass time for the caste-infested Hindus in Caste India, because no one will ever question these atrocities, no matter what the laws and rules have been written on paper in India.
For the ordinary person reading this blog, it must be shocking to know that food security in India is a falsehood propagated repeatedly by the government since the mid-eighties. To understand the enormity of the falsehood, let me put things in perspective. The net per capita food availability in India in 1971 was 394 gm per day. This was just after the onset of the Green Revolution in India. Exactly 30 years later, in 2001, the net per capita of food grain availability was 396 gm per day: a princely rise of 2 gm! In effect, for over 30 years Indian farm growth has barely kept pace with their population growth. This sets up the debate. A comparison with other countries is central to understanding the extent of food shortage prevailing in India. Advanced countries, on a per capita basis, consume anywhere between 500 gm to 600 gm per day. Such healthy consumption in these countries is supplementary to the substantial quantity of meat, fruits, vegetables and milk. Indian food consumption on a per capita level is far below the world average and significantly below the average of the developed countries. It would seem that, as a nation which beliefs it to be termed as a Superpower seem to have declared food self-sufficiency on virtually empty stomachs. A reference to China is unavoidable here. China, a country with approximately 1.2 times to the Indian population, produces approximately 450 MT of food grain every year just more than double that of India.
India can only progress as a rich country when corruption is removed like any other third world in which I include my identity, my origin, my abode Pakistan as well. Half of the Indian ministers are or have been criminals. That is the main obstacle to the development of India. I do not like speaking in such a way about any country that I am not associated with but if you look down there, you will realize the naked truth, yet they keep on blaming Pakistan for all the ills happening in India… India if truly wants to compete as a superpower, it should stop investments in other countries as for the prudent notion says that one doesn’t distinguish other people’s fire when their own home is set afire, rather the money being invested in other countries, Indians should focus on investing it into their own country, towards their own development, replicating what the developed world is doing is good, after all, they can afford to do so, as they don’t have a population living below the poverty line of 30%, but for a fast developing country like India, which has enough of its own issues and problems to be tackled especially those concerned with basic necessities of life like food, and clean drinking water, investing and developing foreign lands is just making a mockery of one own self. Reality bites, but honestly India is a much bitter reality then a happy go lucky Bollywood movie!!!
**Please note that this blog is written as mere opinion and in no way is intended to hurt the sentimental feelings of my readers**
mani very nice your blog “India Now”.
keep it up
hats off usman bhai…nicely written ! (y)
Not a comforting scenario at all.
I’m so, so disappointed in Pakistan leaders today…
Kayum Bhai, all I can say is, may Allah bless Pakistan with peace, progress, and harmony.