
International Guerillas

Ever Beautiful Babra Shareef who played as the leading lady from the film International Guerillas Satanic Verses, the fourth novel by Salman Rushdie, a Pakistani origin British writer was banned in the Islamic world because of what was perceived as an irreverent depiction of the prophet Muhammad SAWW (PBUH). The title refers to a disputed Muslim tradition that is related in the book. According to this tradition, Muhammad referred to as Mahound (Mahound is a despicable name for Mohammad the prophet of Islam (PBUH), found in Medieval and later European literature. This vers


Prime Minister’s Special Fund for Victims of Terrorism (IDP’s)

In order to accommodate the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in different areas of Pakistan, the “Prime Minister’s Special Fund for Victims of Terrorism” has been established. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), in collaboration with the cellular mobile industry, has started the 1199 SMS Service for the welfare of these Internally Displaced Persons. Through this service, subscribers of all mobile operators would send an SMS to 1199 by writing FUND. Each SMS would be charged @ Rs.10/- and the amount thus collected would be deposited in the “Prime Minister’s Speci


India Now

In recent times while going through the television debates and newspapers I found out interesting enough that India has invested heavily in its old connections with the leaders of the erstwhile Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. It has sizeable support in Afghan parliament and India is gradually increasing the number of its paramilitary personnel in Afghanistan. It is stationing them there on the alleged reasons for providing security and protection to the Border Roads Organization, which is constructing the Zaranj-Dilaram road, and its consulates. From a few personnel, the


Do all rich women play games like this?

These days I am watching more Hollywood classics then the current flicks, watching a movie from your parent’s era with them is a pleasure in itself and Alhamdulillah by the grace of God, I am cherishing it. I had ordered some master prints from the Amazon, requested my friend Dr. Holt in Manchester to buy few DVD’s for me and thus wait for my postman to turn up with an envelope containing some new DVD every alternate month. Recently Papa and I watched a 1948 film classic Lady From Shanghai, my father who was very young then had seen this movie in toddling Pakistan in the y


Pakistan and the Energy Crises

I had observed a special quality among my fellow nationals of Pakistan, we love to accuse and blame the government, even for those crimes, we commit ourselves and tend to corrupt the politicians by bribing them and making illegal work hide in a cocoon not to be talked and not to be seen. Don’t we remember the wordings from the Quran Kareem that the monarch of the state would be set on us according to the traits of the subjects of that particular country by the Almighty? I suppose that explains it all. Today the energy crises we are experiencing are nothing more, nothing le