
The Crescent & The Five-Rayed Star

August 14, 1947 is the day engraved in gold in the history of Pakistan. It is the day when Pakistan attained its freedom from the clutches of a long slavery of over 200 years of the British rule. It was a long and hard struggle in which many people laid down their lives for our beloved motherland. Pakistan came into existence following the Pakistan movement, which aimed for creation of an independent Muslim state by partition of the Indian subcontinent and was led by the All-India Muslim League under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The event occurred with the partiti


Peshawar Dream Eve

When my friend Ali Asghar asked me to become the International Relations Manager for the newly formed National Council for Fashion and Arts I wasn’t sure what should by my reaction towards its. At one place I was ecstatic because it is an honour to be part of such an organization and work for promoting Pakistan nationally as well as internationally however the inhibition I had was that the head office of the council was situated in Peshawar and the circumstances of Peshawar being vice and depicted in media were quite messy. After long pondering I nodded yes and grabbed the


Whither Austerity Drives?

Our legislators continue their extravagant lifestyles at a time when a large part of the population is finding it hard to make two ends meet. The sight of expensive and luxurious cars in the parking lot of parliament house is shocking and seems to mock the sentiments of the poor in Pakistan. This flamboyant attitude does not suit leaders of a poor, third world country where economy is buckling under the financial crunch and a massive debt amounting to Rs 8.89 trillion. It is high time that the country’s legislators think beyond their self-interests and lead by example by pu


Vision Sidelined

When Pakistan was created and gained independence from the British in the year 14th August 1947 full religious liberty, i.e. liberty of belief, worship and observance, propaganda, association and education, were considered guaranteed to all communities because Muhammad Ali Jinnah as first President of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on August 11, 1947 at Karachi said in his presidential address that the minorities in the State of Pakistan would be having equal rights, privileges and obligations like the majority. Addressing the minorities, he stated regarding their re


Millat Face-Book Flotilla

I had often wondered why do I get a joke or an informative text forward spread as two texts whereas it could easily be fit in one single text but has always been clueless that is it the forwarder who wanted it this way so that the cellular company can comfortably charge the sender for two texts instead of one? In a very recent event, I received a forwarded text from a friend of mine, who is educated enough to hold a Master Degree from University of Karachi in Food and Sciences. The text was a suggestive propagation on banning of use of Israeli products as for the very rece