
That Ends Well… Seems To Be An All Well Story!

Veena Malik ARY News programme 11th Hour host Waseem Badami had invited Malik and Khattak on his show in what he said was an attempt to reconcile differences between the two, and also called on Maulana Tariq Jameel to 'facilitate' the process. Although her husband asks her for forgiveness "every single day", Malik told Jameel and the host that there are two things she could not forgive. "First, that he [Khattak] beat me; second, that he As Per Verna Malik She Has Been A Victim of Domestic Violence disrespected me... not once, but repeatedly," s


Reduce Weight Naturally…

I was often mocked about me being overweight by my friends and family… then upon advice of my mother I started using a great food supplement on daily basis, and it worked wonders for me. Combined with 45 minutes of cardio exercises and a teaspoon of this food supplement mixed in water consumed on an empty stomach first thing in morning has helped me reduce ten kilograms of weight in 3 months. An awesome and healthy thing to feel that way. Honey has been used as natural remedy for thousands of years If you are also trying to lose your weight, honey can be very h


The Pageant Trap – A Tale of Danger Intrigue and Betrayal

  I am here proudly presenting my debut novel, THE PAGEANT TRAP which has just been released. The Pageant Trap is a tale of an international beauty pageant taken over by unsavoury characters is full of danger, intrigue, and betrayal. A contract between the pageant’s organizer and an events coordinator is broken before the contestants are even in the air to attend the pageant. Things go from bad to worse, as the group is housed in first one hotel and then another, none of which are the five-star hotels they were promised. One of the girls is kidnapped, and scary-looking men


Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.

Land of my sires! What mortal hand can e'er untie the filial band that knits me to thy rugged strand! As APJ Abdul Kalaam said that if a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher and I agree with him. But what would happen of a society where these pillars are too busy making both ends meet of their lives with less or no time towards their children? There was once a time when it was said that it is sweet and fitting t


P for Parents

Once upon a time there was an era when stories about abandoning parents by children were heard, frowned and associated with the firangi culture and shunned off by saying that it is common in the western culture that young people abandon their parents in old homes. However, the changing time did not had any mercy to Pakistan and unfortunately, this custom is becoming a part of eastern society as well. Every now and then, we come across an old home accommodating old parents who have been deserted by their children.   In today’s time parents are seen as a burden and are o